xCEEd launches xCEEDium

the first conference with its own crytocurrency, delivered by:

The latest trend in the fintech sector is cryptocurrency
and it went down a storm at xCEEd 2018.




This interactive experience in a closed safe environment gave delegates, sponsors and speakers alike the chance to trade, earn and spend xCEEdium, whilst a comprehensive workshop gave detailed information about blockchain, cypto wallets and smart contracts.

xCEEDium was very well received by delegates with over 3690 transactions during the 2 day conference.

“ I’ve been to a lot of these big conferences all over, where there’s maybe one or two crypto gimmicks but actually here, they’re made of cryptocurrency and it works and they’ve impemented it with the shops and they really show that it can work and rather than just telling about it on a stage they implemented it and I’ve never seen that before. “

Jack Nikogosian, CTO at Aryze

Over 2.2 million xCEEDium was earned and more than 50% was spent in the xCEEd Shop

The incentive to earn and trade xCEEDium was a clear success with 200 delegates becoming xCEEDium Millionaires and over 3690 transactions.

And this year the xCEEdium
Millionaire award goes to..

Kevin Amateshe, Product Director M-PESA, Safaricom